
Home remedies for acne: Our TOP 8 that really help!

Welche Hausmittel gegen Akne? Diese 8 Hausmittel helfen wirklich!

Tea tree oil | Steam bath | Healing clay | Aloe Vera | Honey | Apple cider vinegar | Apple cider vinegar | Cosmetic treatments | Environmental factors & nutrition | Zinc ointment | Conclusion | FAQ

There are some home remedies for acne that do what they are said to do. These include tea tree oil, healing clay, aloe vera, apple cider vinegar, honey and steam baths.

Cosmetic treatments can also help to improve the appearance of the skin. And of course there are some tips that you can follow with regard to your diet and your general everyday life that will help to combat spots.

Acne home remedies can help you treat mild acne naturally and reduce blemishes . Depending on the form of acne, the remedies can be useful in reducing spots and improving the appearance of the skin. Here are some helpers against acne!

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil can help improve acne. An Australianstudy by the University of Western Australia has shown that tea tree oil can be used to treat minor skin infections.1

Tea tree oil has long been a well-known household remedy, e.g. against mosquito bites. It has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Tea tree oil can be used to reduce the germ load on the skin.

However, experts advise against applying it to large areas, as it can also severely stress the skin or trigger an allergic reaction. It is better to use a few drops selectively and very sparingly.

Steam bath as a home remedy for acne

Steam baths are generally a popular method of cleansing the skin. They can easily be used at home and do not require any special preparation. All you need is a kettle, a bowl and a towel.

A tip to make the steam bath even more effective: you can add a little chamomile flower extract to the hot water. This expands the pores – chamomile also has an anti-inflammatory effect. You can also use a tea bag with chamomile tea if you don’t have any extract in the house.

Steam bath

Healing clay

Healing clay has been used successfully in naturopathy for a hundred years to acne treatment and many other skin diseases. As a face mask or applied to another affected area, it can remove excess skin oils and stimulate blood circulation.

You can buy healing clay as a paste, ready-made mask or powder in drugstores or pharmacies. You can even get it as a powder in some grocery stores.

Once you have applied the healing clay to your cleansed face, you should remove it again as soon as the mixture has dried completely – usually after about 20 to 30 minutes. During this time, the healing clay cleanses your skin.

It has a soothing and antibacterial effect on your skin and also absorbs excess sebum. You can then rinse off the mask with lukewarm water. We recommend repeating this application once a week.

The acne home remedy aloe vera

It has been scientifically proven that aloe vera has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. The gel in the plant can help to kill acne bacteria and prevent further infections.

It also provides plenty of moisture and is quickly absorbed. Aloe vera also removes dead skin cells, sebum and dirt. Do you have an aloe vera plant at home? If so, you can simply cut off a leaf, squeeze out the gel and apply it to the affected area.

We recommend that you repeat this application twice a day for a week.


Honey as a home remedy for blemished skin is particularly suitable for use when the pimple is not yet visible. As soon as you notice a tingling sensation under the skin, you can dab a little honey on the affected area.

Honey has an antiseptic effect and can prevent a pimple from forming in the first place. Honey is also ideal as an ingredient in a face mask to improve the appearance of your skin.

The good thing about honey is that you probably have it in the house and it helps you quickly with spots.

Home remedy for acne: honey

Home remedy for acne: apple cider vinegar

Like honey, apple cider vinegar has an antiseptic effect and helps to regulate the skin’s pH value. It is best to use naturally cloudy and unpasteurized apple cider vinegar for the treatment.

To apply it to your skin, mix one teaspoon of vinegar with three teaspoons of water. Dip a absorbent cotton ball into this solution and then dab it on the area of skin affected by acne.

Leave the solution on for 10 minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water. You can now repeat this every day for several days.

Cosmetic treatments

Targeted cosmetic treatments such as skin cleansing, blue light therapy or special peelings can help to improve the appearance of the skin.

Trained specialists can open and clear the pimples and blackheads on the skin. A steam bath is usually taken beforehand so that the skin is damaged as little as possible.

At the beginning, it is recommended to repeat a cosmetic treatment weekly or every two weeks. Later, treatment at longer intervals may also be sufficient.


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Environmental factors & nutrition

Although the connection between acne and diet is controversial, those affected are generally advised to eat a balanced diet rich in vitamins and fiber.

In addition, dairy products and foods that contain a lot of sugar and saturated fatty acids can increase acne symptoms. Acne patients should also avoid intensive sunbathing, as the skin produces even more sebum under the influence of heat.

Furthermore, once sweat has dried, it forms an ideal breeding ground for bacteria.

Further acne treatments: External and internal approaches

External treatment methods

Topical creams and gels are popular external treatments for acne. They contain active ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid or retinoids, which help to combat acne by cleansing the pores and sebaceous glands, reducing inflammation and promoting skin renewal.

Face masks can be a beneficial addition to acne treatment. Different types of masks, such as clay masks or masks with active ingredients like tea tree oil, can help absorb excess oil, soothe the skin and reduce blemishes.

Dermatological procedures such as chemical peels, laser treatments or microdermabrasion can also be effective in treating acne and acne scars. These procedures are carried out by professionals and can help to clear the skin and improve the appearance of acne.

Internal treatment methods

A healthy diet can have a positive influence on skin health. Eating balanced meals with plenty of fruit, vegetables, whole grains and plenty of water can help to support the skin and reduce acne.

Certain dietary supplements such as omega-3 fatty acids, zinc and vitamin A can have a supportive effect in the treatment of acne. They can help reduce inflammation and improve skin health.

In some cases, a doctor may prescribe drug treatments to treat severe acne. These include antibiotics, hormonal contraceptives or isotretinoin, a powerful medication used to treat severe acne.

Zinc ointment

A proven method of alleviating acne is the use of zinc ointment, a natural household remedy that has anti-inflammatory and healing properties.

Zinc ointment contains zinc oxide, which is known to have an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. It can help to soothe the inflamed areas of skin and promote the healing of acne.

Zinc ointment is a natural option for treating acne that is gentle on the skin. Compared to many commercial acne products, zinc ointment is inexpensive and available at most drugstores. In addition, side effects are rare when using zinc ointment, which makes it an attractive choice.

Conclusion – home remedies for acne

Getting rid of acne with home remedies – is it possible? As you have now read, the answer is clearly yes! Home remedies can be a mild alternative to acne treatment with medication.

Home remedies are therefore not suitable for moderate and severe cases. However, they can be used to support drug treatments. This decimates the bad bacteria on the skin.

Tip: prevention protects against spots

A radiant, clear complexion is what many people want. Anyone who suffers from pimples knows how stressful it can be. However, good skin care and the right precautions can help to prevent blemishes and ensure a clear complexion. In this article you will learn how to fight pimples with effective preventive measures.

1. healthy diet and sufficient water: A balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables and sufficient water is crucial for healthy skin. Nutrients and fluids support the skin’s natural healing process and promote its regeneration.

2. daily cleansing: Thorough cleansing in the morning and evening is essential to remove dirt, excess oil and dead skin cells. You should use mild, skin-friendly cleansing products that do not dry out the skin.

3. gentle care products: Care products that are tailored to your skin type and do not contain irritating ingredients should be used. Gentle creams, lotions and serums help to hydrate and nourish the skin without weighing it down.

4. regular exfoliation: Regular exfoliation removes dead skin cells and helps to open clogged pores. This reduces the formation of spots and gives the skin a new glow.

5. avoid skin irritation: If possible, avoid touching the face with dirty hands, as this can clog the pores and lead to pimples. Squeezing pimples should also be avoided to prevent inflammation and scarring.

6. reduce stress and get enough sleep: Stress can have a negative effect on the skin and promote spots. Relaxation techniques help to reduce stress, and sufficient sleep ensures that the skin has the time it needs to regenerate.

7. do not forget sun protection: Use a sunscreen with an appropriate sun protection factor every day to protect the skin from harmful UV rays. Sun exposure can aggravate spots and lead to skin damage.

With the right precautions and a consistent skincare routine, you can actively help to prevent spots and maintain a clear complexion. You should be mindful of your diet, skin care and lifestyle habits – your skin will thank you for it.


There are some home remedies for acne that do what they are said to do. These include tea tree oil, healing clay, aloe vera, apple cider vinegar, honey and steam baths.

Cosmetic treatments can also help to improve the appearance of the skin. And of course there are some tips that you can follow with regard to your diet and your everyday life in general.

Yes, it is possible to treat and soothe acne naturally, although effectiveness can vary and it is important to remember that everyone may react differently. Here are some natural approaches to treating acne:

  1. Healthy diet: A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins can help improve skin health and reduce acne.
  2. Water: Adequate hydration, especially through water, helps to detoxify the body and can help to improve the skin.
  3. Skin care: Use mild, natural cleansers and skin care products that do not contain irritating chemicals.
  4. Steam treatment: Steam treatments can help to open the pores and cleanse the skin. You can use chamomile or green tea.
  5. Aloe vera: Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties that can help relieve acne.
  6. Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil can help treat acne due to its antibacterial properties. However, it should be diluted and applied carefully as it can irritate the skin.
  7. Zinc supplements: Zinc is a mineral that can help reduce inflammation and promote skin healing. Like Essentials Skin, for example, which supports your skin from the inside out.
  8. Homemade masks: Natural ingredients such as honey, yogurt, oatmeal and cucumber can be made into face masks at home to soothe and clarify the skin.

Yes, many people successfully treat mild to moderate acne at home. Here are some ways you can treat acne yourself:

  1. Suitable skin care:
    • Use mild cleansers that have been specially developed for sensitive or acne-prone skin.
    • Wash your face twice a day, morning and evening, to remove dirt, oil and dead skin cells.
  2. Regular skin care:
    • Use non-comedogenic (non-acne-causing) moisturizers to hydrate the skin without clogging pores.
    • Avoid excessive touching or rubbing of the face as this can aggravate acne.
  3. Healthy lifestyle habits:
    • Make sure you eat a healthy diet that is rich in fruit, vegetables, wholegrain products and lean protein.
    • Reduce stress through relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga or breathing exercises.
  4. Natural remedies:
    • Use natural remedies such as aloe vera, tea tree oil, green tea or honey to reduce inflammation and soothe the skin.
    • Steam treatments can help to open the pores and remove excess sebum.
  5. Acne products from the pharmacy:
    • There are many over-the-counter acne products with ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid or sulphur that can help treat acne. Read the instructions and use them in accordance with the recommendations. If bacteria are the cause of acne, SkinCare Acne can help you!
  6. Patience and consistency:
    • Acne treatments require time to be effective. Stick to your routine consistently and give the products enough time to take effect.

There are some spices that can be helpful in the treatment of acne due to their anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. However, it is important to emphasize that scientific evidence for the effectiveness of these spices in acne treatment is limited and they may not work equally well for everyone. Here are some spices that can be considered:

  1. Turmeric: Turmeric has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Some studies suggest that applying turmeric to the skin can alleviate acne. It can be used as a face mask mixed with honey or yogurt.
  2. Ginger: Ginger also has anti-inflammatory properties. Some people report improvements in their skin when they include ginger in their diet or use it as a face mask.
  3. Garlic: Garlic has antimicrobial properties and can help fight acne-causing bacteria. It can be integrated into the diet or applied directly to the skin.
  4. Cinnamon: Cinnamon has anti-inflammatory properties and can help regulate blood sugar levels. Some people use cinnamon masks to treat acne.

About the article

Author: Christian Unterlechner, Dipl.-Ing. (FH), MBA

“From our own experience with neurodermatitis – and the long path of suffering associated with skin conditions like this – we started to look for alternative solutions to drug treatments. We are very happy to share the knowledge and experience that has gone into the years of developing our SkinCare products with you.”

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1 University of Western Australia, Royal Perth Hospital. Pilot study to evaluate tea tree oil gel for facial acne. Pilot study to evaluate tea tree oil gel for facial acne. Published 2014.

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