Our product recommendation for rosacea

Our products are free from silicones, parabens, kerosenes, PEGs, PAKS, aluminum, microplastics & cortisone

How does SkinCare Protect work for rosacea?

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Sanubiom SkinCare Protect - Rosacea

Reddening of the skin on the face is unpleasant. It is particularly bad when it also hurts.

The best way to prevent further inflammation and stabilize the skin in the long term is early skin care. This is because the trigger is often disturbed skin flora caused by bacteria. The bacterium Staphylococcus aureus is usually the cause.

SkinCare Protect rebalances the skin with Phage Technology. Staphylococcus aureus bacteria are reduced.

Redness, blisters or pustules on the skin are reduced.

SkinCare Protect is 100% natural, pH-neutral and alcohol-free.

Rosacea & Phage Technology

The Phage Technology used by Sanubiom improves the microbial balance of your skin.

Our skin provides a home for numerous microorganisms. The difference between healthy skin and skin prone to rosacea often lies in the number of microbes present. With rosacea, the skin is visibly imbalanced. Bacteria, such as Staphylococcus aureus, exploit the damaged skin and increase their growth. Redness, inflammation or pustules develop.

Natural bacteriophages in SkinCare Protect reduce malignant bacteria. Benign bacteria on your skin are strengthened. It restores the bacterial balance of your skin. The redness and irritation of your skin is reduced.

Before and after comparison

SkinCare Protect is used for at least 14 days. You may notice an improvement after just a few days.

Regular use will reduce your red patches of skin. This is due to an improved bacterial balance on your skin.

This will reduce skin irritation and annoying redness.

before-after comparison

100% nature

pH neutral

without animal testing


No alcohol

manufactured according to GMP standards

How do I use SkinCare Protect correctly?

You apply SkinCare Protect two to three times a day. Spray the spray onto cleansed skin. After a soaking time of approx. five to ten minutes, you can apply other skin products such as creams or powders.

You can read the exact application in our product description.

For optimum results, we recommend using the product for four to six weeks. However, you can also use the product over a longer period of time without any problems. One application per day may be sufficient after the first successes.

If you stop using SkinCare Protect and nodules, papules and pustules return, you should start using it again. This brings your skin flora back into balance.

Rosacea home remedies - What really helps?


Probiotic skin protection SkinCare Protect with Phage Technology.
Your skin comes to rest.

  • Immediately soothes itching
  • Reduces redness and prevents inflammation
  • promotes the balance of the skin flora
  • pH neutral, alcohol-free, cortisone-free and sterile – dermatologically tested

Our ratings on trustpilottrustpilot

4.5 – Outstanding

What are bacteriophages?

Bacteriophages are a revolutionary method to combat redness in rosacea-prone skin.

Spraying bacteriophages on your skin triggers a regeneration process . Malignant bacteria are reduced by the phages, while the important, good bacteria are strengthened.

Successes have already been achieved with phages on red skin areas, such as those that occur on skin prone to rosacea. If a disturbed bacterial balance is the cause of your skin irritations, Sanubiom SkinCare will help you.

Bacteriophages are an alternative to treatment with medication. Phage Technology uses natural bacteriophages to reduce skin irritation caused by the skin condition rosacea.

What do I need to know about Sanubiom?

The causes of the skin disease rosacea are not yet fully understood. Assumptions: regarding the causes of rosacea. On the one hand, rosacea appears to be inherited, i.e. to have genetic causes.

But lifestyle also seems to have an influence. In particular, frequent contact with strong UV radiation and regular alcohol consumption are the focus here.

Even if the causes of rosacea are not clear, SkinCare Protect strengthens your natural skin flora. Rosacea is often aggravated by malignant bacteria. With our product you strengthen your skin barrier and protect yourself against Staphylococcus aureus.

When using bacteriophages, you benefit from the power of nature. Bacteriophages are a purely natural product.

No alcohol is used in SkinCare Protect. This prevents your skin from drying out. Our product is pH neutral and sterile and therefore extremely gentle on your skin.

Our products are of course free from animal testing and vegan.

“At last, looking in the mirror is no longer a burden for me. I was struggling with redness on my face. Now my skin looks much better.”

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Bewertung vom 02.09.2020

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Ich habe seit einer Woche @sanubiom SkinCare auf meiner empfindlichen Gesichthaut getestet. Die Wirkung hat mich überzeugt. Meine roten Stellen auf der Haut sind verschwunden. Jeden Tag sieht man…



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Hat super funktioniert. Habe meine Rötungen durch Rosacea deutlich reduzieren können.



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Want to know more about rosacea?

You can find detailed information about rosacea in the skin knowledge section. What triggers a rosacea flare-up? How does the chronic course of the disease develop? How is the disease treated? Why does the course of the disease vary in severity? We will answer these questions for you.

You will also find tips and tricks on how best to deal with rosacea. We’ll tell you how you can achieve further improvements with nutrition and a conscious lifestyle.

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